A time to kill…
There comes a time in our lives when we have to kill (permanently remove) things that don’t serve our higher self and purpose… these are just some of the ones I started off with.
Judging myself and others… when you are judgmental, you are only focusing on the negative qualities in yourself and others. What we focus on is what manifests and if all you do is think negative thoughts… then guess what?! that’s what comes to reality! Focus on the good and the good will happen… focus on the bad and the bad will happen! Change the way you’ve been programmed to think! Our “reality” is really and truly the mirror image of what is in our hearts!
Doubting myself… this is something I struggled with for a long time! Doubting myself meant that I was always on the hunt for anyone to tell me how great of a job I was doing… and if no one did.. I felt worthless. I had to get to a place where God was the only approval I needed! It took a lot of work to get to this point and I am so grateful to be here! We have to understand that we are in our head majority of the time so why not speak kind, gentle, empowering and filling words to ourselves!
Perfectionism… this again goes back to seeking “approval” from others and what they will think! I felt I had to be “perfect” so that people would accept me… and the more perfect I tried to become the more I was moving away from my purpose and power, and the more I fucked up! I’ve learned that I will never be perfect, and I can only change a little at a time with the help of God! Consistency is truly key and when I look back on my life a year or 2 later.. I see that I’m not where I once was! Change definitely doesn’t happen over night (unless it’s Georgia weather lol)
Worrying… Whew another big one for me! Worrying changes nothing except our health and mental state, the 2 things we need to grow old! I had to let go of worry because at the end of the day God’s time is the best time and when his time finally comes I dont want to be in a state where I can’t enjoy it because of health issues and things of that nature!
Trying to control everything… I’m a Taurus and I’ve read that our biggest '‘issue” was being a control freak, lol…and that was a reality for me! It all ties back to the issue of how people saw and perceived me, so guess what, I had to control how they saw me and what they saw… that was stressful! lol I was unhappy because people didnt listen to me, so I ended up being the “mean girl” that scared everyone.. lol. But yea, I learned that I cant control everything! So I do my best and let God handle the rest! (I’m gonna always tie everything back to God!)
Assuming the worst would happen… I was the queen of this I had a contingency plan for my contingency plan! Negative thinking really gets you no where and things don’t get better when we’re always in a negative state of mind! Trust God to help you through whatever you may be going through! His ways and His plans are always better than anything we can ever come up with!
Complaining… This was something I rarely did, but over the years I’ve met people that always complain! Even when things are going well for them… they will still find something to complain about! When you complain, you set yourself up for never being happy or content! Don’t get me wrong, its ok to talk about whats bothering you, but when you o talking about it instead of finding a solution then its a problem. Learn to be grateful in every situation! God loves it when were thankful! No matter what may be going on around us or in our lives, there is always something to be grateful for!