God prepares us for greatness
“But it is written, What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him”-1 Corinthians 2:9
When God is preparing us for greater things we tend to get uncomfortable. We meet people who are hard to deal with, things get out of our control, and we get all stressed out because we are being forced out of our comfort zone. What we don’t understand is that before we can reach our next level, we’re going to be put in uncomfortable situations and trust that God will get us through! Our greatest blessings come from the most uncomfortable places. For example, people who play professional soccer, don’t just walk up to any team and say they want to play on the team. It takes years and years of extensive training, both physical and mental to get to the level required to actually be on the team, let alone start! It’s God’s plan to bless you with great and new things, to elevate you in every area of your life! But in order for Him to do those things for you, you have to stop letting your emotions get the best of you. When you act out in anger, complain, and even get all bitter because things aren’t going your way, you will remain where you are until you master the little things. How are you hindering what God has in store for you? What are some areas in your life that can use some extensive and rigorous training?! Take an inventory of where you need to build strengths today and see what God begins to do in your life!
Give thanks to God despite of what you are currently facing. Change your attitude. God isn’t trying to harm you or make you lose faith in Him. He is trying to prepare you for whats to come. Remember, “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at that day of Jesus Christ”-Philippians 1:6.