God never lets His people down
While finishing up my nightly reading (1 Samuel 26) one night, I heard The Holy Spirit say “God never lets His people down”. I’m pretty sure most of us know the story of David and how he became God’s anointed one. We all know that he killed Goliath with just a stone and a sling… but David was more than just a boy that killed Goliath. I didn’t know this until I read 1 Samuel. Lets start from the beginning of David’s life… He was just a shepherd boy at the time when God told Samuel to go anoint one of Jesse’s Son’s as King because Saul had disobeyed God (you can read the why and how Saul disobeyed God in 1 Samuel, I wont go into detail in this blog). So back to Samuel anointing David… when Samuel got to Jesse’s place (mind you Jesse had 8 sons), Samuel gets there thinking he knew the one God had chosen, but he was wrong… God kept telling him NO (7 times), so Samuel asks Jesse if he had any more sons and he tells him there’s one more, he’s the one taking care of the sheep. David was a young boy who looked nothing like a king, but that’s who God chose!'
People may look at you or me (I know they look at me all the time like how can God possibly be using her… she’s this.. she’s that… she had her first child out of wedlock… she has a terrible past… blah blah blah). But God! God truly knows what He’s doing and He never makes mistakes, and most certainly never lets His people down.
Back to the story of David… So David is supposed to replace Saul as king right?!… now guess who God uses to train him…. Saul! Lets fast forward to when Saul starts to realizes that David is the man God will use to replace him. Saul begins to get mad and even attempts to kill David, not once but TWICE! And God delivers David both times. Even putting David in the position to kill Saul but David doesn’t because he was filled with the Holy Spirit… How many of us would spare the lives/life of those trying to kill us?! I’m not quite there yet… cause it’s called self defense in my book! I’m hoping to get there one day, but for now, I’ll just pretend that those people don’t exist.
But yea, God will never for once let us down, the more opposition we have, the more people try to come against us and tell people nonsense about us, the more God works in our favor. I’ve seen it happen in my life time and time again. Trust that God got you no matter what the situation looks like. Leave those who are trying to “bring you down” in God’s Hands and watch Him work. As long as you are not trying to hurt anyone intentionally and you are keeping your heart pure, God got you!