Karma is a what?!
Karma…I’m pretty sure we’ve all had our fair share of it! Good or bad, what goes around always comes back around. Karma is the consequence of our choices and actions. The more we make the same types of choice or action, the more we create the same outcome, the more “karma” happens. When you choose to grow and let go of things that no longer serve your higher self the more “good” karma happens. When you choose stay petty and do things to intentionally hurt people the more “bad” karma happens. Now I’m no expert in all things karma, I just know based on my experience and I can only write on my experience and what I’ve learned over the years. I’m not saying that all the “bad'“ or “good” things that happen to us are the consequences of our action because they’re not. This is really one of those “deep” concepts and I would be here all day trying to write an explanation about each scenario. With that being said, here are some things I have learned:
Whatever you put out is what comes back to you
Things in our lives don’t just happen by itself, we need to (by our choices) make it happen
Stay humble or life will ultimately humble you
When you change yourself, the things around us begin to change too
Own your shit… take responsibility for what is happening in your life
Everything is connected
Focus on the “good” good will happen… focus on the “bad”… bad will happen
Don’t just talk about it… be about it too! Your behavior should match your words and thoughts
You can’t move forward if you’re constantly looking back and blaming others for what is happening in your life
History has a habit of repeating itself, until you decide to change it of course