Love, Live, Life
Love God.
Live according to the Word of God.
Have eternal Life.
Crazy how I got this tattoo 6 years ago and didn’t know the exact meaning of the words I had permanently engraved on my body. I decided to get the words Love,Live Life tattooed on my the upper left side of my chest for my 30th birthday. My initial intention was for it to be a daily reminder that I should love and live my life because life is way too short not to! It wasn’t until about a year later that I got the meaning to it! Love, Live,Life should be the things we as children of God strive to do until we are called back into God’s Hands.
The word love is defined as a variety of feelings, states, and attitudes that range from interpersonal affection. It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment. God loved us enough that He gave us His only Son who had no sin whatsoever to come die for our sin! Now that is love!!! How many people would you die for?! My children and my husband are the only ones I’d die for! lol and sometimes I question that! But God sent Jesus to die for EVERYONE! Including those who judged and persecuted Him. That’s love!!! So we must love God and strive to love others (including those who are difficult to love because they are the ones who need it the most). Now I don’t mean be all up in their face and put yourself in a position to get hurt. Love them from a distance, mean well for them, and pray for them as your heart sees fit! I’m still struggling with the love difficult people part, not saying that I’m mean to them or anything like that… I just distance myself from them with a sort of closed off attitude, but if I see they need my help with anything (although I may hesitate a bit) I will still help them out. I’m still praying for God to help me! I’m human! I’m far from being perfect!
To live is simply to remain alive. As God’s Children we must live according to His words and not listen to the enemies tricks and lies. Now I’m talking to myself when I say this too because I sometimes find myself dwelling and feeling sad because of the negative thoughts and feelings the devil (the father of lies) puts in my mind. We must remember that the devil was once an Angel of God so He knows the Word of God and he often manipulates it to condemn and make us feel bad. So we must learn how to use The Word of God to counter whatever lies he brings to our mind! He will have no choice to flee and when he tries to come back (which he will because he’s rather persistent) use God’s words again! The enemy doesn’t like when we use God’s words against him… he cant stand the truth!
Life is a state of living; existing. Simply put we must love God and live according to His Words to have eternal life. Where there’s life, there’s hope! So as long as we are alive we know we are getting another chance to get it right and get with God. I don’t know about you, but I want to make to heaven (the after life, paradise, Nirvana, whatever you choose to call it ) one day! I’m not perfect, and any day above ground is another chance God gives me to try to get it right!
-Originally written 9/25/15'; Revised 5/8/2021
Everyday God reveals something new to me, whether its things I need to change or things I need to let go of. I thank God for His gift of The Holy Spirit. I Thank God for Jesus!!!!! I know my flesh is weak but with Christ and in Christ I am being made strong!
“My Children, let us not love in word or tongue but in deed and truth”- 1 John 3:18