Life has certainly been “lifing” and God is steady “Godding”. I’m grateful to Him for all that He has done in my life. Although sometimes I wish that things were better and this blog would just “blow up” already. I’m grateful to God for allowing me to be able to reach the amount of audience I am reaching, so thank you to all of you who read and share what I write. May God continue to bless and abide with you all. I was prompted to start this blog a year ago and I have not regretted doing so. I’m honestly at a place in my life where drama is pretty much dead and those who try to bring drama are either put in their place right away or simply just ignored. Looking back at my life and how far God has brought me (especially with my attitude and anger issues) made me realize that God certainly answers prayers and while you are praying to Him, you must also do the work on yourself to be in the position to receive what you are praying for. At this point I’m just rambling lol, but yea, this year has taught me that there is nothing like peace! When you rid yourself of the things and people that don’t bring you peace you become lighter and you’re able to see things clearer than before. You’re able to help yourself more and others who wish to be helped. I’m beginning to understand how Jesus was able to sleep while the storm was happening lol… I’m not Jesus and I don’t claim to be, but I am understanding how He was able to keep calm and let the storm do its thing. Life is certainly a series of ups and downs and when you’re at peace and you have peace, you just learn to take the good with the bad and express gratitude for both… without the bad you wouldn’t appreciate the good and without the good you wouldn’t have anything to look forward to when the bad is happening.