Stop taking everything personal
Everything is not about you! People are allowed to do things for themselves that doesn’t please you. People are allowed to grow and move on with their life without you. Simply wish them well and move on. It’s really not that hard. With a little practice and intentionality it can be done. Over the years I’ve realized that our way of thinking is not the same as others, even if you grew up with someone or was raised in the same house, you will still think differently from them. We sometimes think just because we “know” someone we can figure out how the person will act or react in certain situation… well I’m here to tell you, you can’t. Your perception of how the person will act or react to a specific situation is based off your level of understanding and how “grown” or immature you really are. Most of the time people create this image of you in their head and hold on to that image and get mad when you don’t continue to be that person. Your image of someone else has nothing to do with them, it’s your projection of what you created in your mind. That goes for someone who says anything about you too! So you really cant take anything personal. If/when you do, you’re agreeing to that person’s perception of you and what they say or said becomes part of you. The opinion of others (good or bad) should not affect you. Once you understand that other people’s perception, opinion, beliefs, and point of view has nothing to do with you, you will stop taking things so personal and you will begin to live a life that makes you happy. I’ve learned to simply just ignore those who do not resonate with where I am currently.