There’s always more

Jesus is the bridge that takes us closer to The Infinite One True God!!! God is calling us back home to experience His greatness. Imagine being in His presence forever… It’s possible! The God of the Old Testament is very much alive today and He is doing great and marvelous deeds. He’s doing things most people thought was impossible. He’s changing lives and generations to come. Yes, there is power in The Name of Jesus and that power would not be made possible without The One True God!! He’s more than able to do the unthinkable and unimaginable in your life. I see Him doing it in my life everyday.

Often times we get too comfortable with religion and doctrines and end up losing sight of God Himself and start to feel empty, we end up just going with the motion (I know it happened to me!!) Some get so caught up and wound up in the doctrines and what the leaders will say that they totally lose focus on what God is really telling them and showing them. Every one of us has a different walk and we can’t all go by some basic check list that doesn’t even check all our boxes. Only you know what is right for you and only God will tell you how to go about satisfying your spirit and soul… other people, tools and knowledge you gain along the way are only stepping stones. Allow God to help you build your foundation.

All I’m saying is… However you choose to get closer to God do it, just make sure you get to Him. Make your way our of the darkness and step into the light. God is calling out and crying out to you. Open your heart and just listen. Jesus is the most secure line to The Father but not the only way to get to the Father. The Father will always listen to His Child first before listening to others. Don’t get comfortable with just knowing The Son and not getting to know His Father! There’s no one like King Jesus, just remember there is more after getting to know Jesus! God wants you to continue learning and growing. He is definitely creating A New Heaven and A New Earth (Revelation 21). Open your heart, mind,and soul and just listen to the sound of His Voice. You’ll know it’s Him calling you home. Are you ready to build your relationship with The Father?


My Truth


Vessel of Honor